General Guide to Employment & Training

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Career Area
Minimum recommendation or Requirements
Science at Level 1 is useful and Horticulture/Ag/Maths/Eng
Apprenticeships (Trades)
eg building, plumbing, automotive
English, Mathematics, Science or a Technology,
Engineering, Senior Construction subject @ L1
Apprenticeships (Electrical) ECTO has compulsory requirements set as a minimum of 12 credits in each of English, Mathematics and Science. L2 is
Commerce (Banking / Insurance...) English and Mathematics @ L2, IT skills essential, Economics, Accounting useful

Computing / IT (PC Engineer) English and Mathematics @ L2 recommended to gain
entry into a Diploma PC Engineering Computer Studies useful
Chef/Hospitality Maths and English, Food and Nutrition, Hospitality, Tourism Experience in industry is helpful
Fitness Instructor / Outdoor Education

L2 English, Maths and at least one Science and
Physical Education minimum
Hairdressing/Beautician Maths and English and a Science @ L1
Office Administration English @ L2, Mathematics useful, IT skills essential
Police/Armed Forces L2 English, Maths minimum Science @ minimum of L2 if going to armed forces as Officer or Engineer. Aptitude Test required, Drivers License and a clean record also required
Retail / Sales English and Mathematics @ L1, IT skills important
Travel and Tourism L2/3 English, Maths, Geography, Tourism

Armed Forces (Air Force, Army, Navy)

The Armed Forces provide many opportunities for apprenticeships and on job training. The minimum age for entry is 17 years and applicants are required to pass a Medical Assessment, Physical Fitness Test and Aptitude Test. The school has copies of the maths, and literacy tests for ALL OF THE ARMED FORCES. We also are in contact with the recruitment offices and can support you through the application process.

Air Force, Army, Navy
Recommendations or Requirements
Support Roles English, Mathematics, Science @ L1
Most Apprenticeships English, Mathematics and Science or a Technology subject @ L1
Engineering Apprenticeships English, Mathematics and a Science subject @ L2
Officer & Specialist Roles English, Mathematics and a Science subject @ L2
Undergraduate Scheme University Entrance @ L3

Further details on career areas and entry criteria can be found on the Armed Forces websites