Senior Curriculum 2025

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Y11 CHBC Diploma

At CHB College we are driven by student learning and understanding not by credit counting.

From 2025 onwards, All students in Y11 will study towards the CHBC Year 11 Diploma as we believe that this will best prepare them for the academic challenges in Year 12, 13 and beyond school.

All Students will be sitting the NZQA Literacy & Numeracy co requisite exams and some students will still be able to accumulate NZQA Level 1 credits, but the focus of Y11 for our students will be to gain the “CHBC Y11 Diploma”

We have used our staff expertise and knowledge to develop rigorous courses that will educate and prepare our students for future academic success and acheivement and as before, we will recognise those students who excel in subjects and overall at the Merit or Excellence level.

Specific detail is not available at this time, however as the government have decided that the new level 2 standards will not be fully implemented until 2028 and that the current level 2 stands will remain until the time it is envisaged that our Y11 Diploma courses will be based around the previous level 1 Standards which we believe is the best way to prepare our students in some curriculum areas.

We have made this decision in the interests and for the benefit of our students.

As well as the traditional subjects, courses for students of all abilities are catered for, with a course that will give them valuable skills, and in which they should be able to achieve. We have provided this booklet to help you and your son or daughter to decide which subjects to study next year.

Automatic Entry Students who do not achieve automatic entry in a course - as outlined in the subjects Entry Requirements may be included in the course at the discretion of the HOF/HOD/TIC.
They will need to apply to the HOF/HOD/TIC on course confirmation day at the start of the year.

This may involve the student:

  • Being Accepted Unconditionally
  • Gaining Provisional Entry Students who are granted provisional entry will
    • be required to select another possible option
    • be required to meet certain criteria by a set date in term one 2020
    • If these criteria are not met the student will be required to move into their other selected option
  • Not gaining entry and having to choose another course

Your subject teachers are happy to give you advice on what to
choose for 2025. When in doubt - ASK!!

For year 13 students (2025)

Entry to University If going to University is your goal:

  • you will need attain NCEA Level 3
  • Achieve 14 credits at level three in each of three subjects from approved UE subjects. (eligible subjects are marked with a “UE”).
  • Achieve UE numeracy - 10 credits at Level 1 and above from specific achievement standards, or three specific numeracy unitstandards
  • Achieve UE literacy - 10 credits (five in reading and five in writing) at Level 2 and above from specific standards

Note: Some universities now require higher entry standards


For the top students, there will be scholarship exams available in most of the Level 3 subjects.
Scholarship subjects are marked with a “S”

Consistent and high levels of attendance are a key component of success with NCEA. Whilst the college encourages participation in extra-curricular programs, it reserves the right to withdraw students from these activities in the event of issues of attendance or work completion.