Course Expenses

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Course Expenses
Central Hawke’s Bay community expects a quality learning experience for their children and the College continues to meet this expectation admirably while doing our best to keep costs down. The board of Trustees regularly revises the school donation and the levying of expenses for students. This has been done to;

  • reflect the needs of a changing and expanding curriculum,
  • ensure the school complies with both the Ministry of Education directives and the Education Act,
  • enable the provision of an appropriate and desirable learning experiencethat the children deserve and the community expects
  • and to offset the inadequate funding from the government in meeting these needs.

Subject expenses are restricted to actual take-home components and to any other features of the course that are extraordinary to the provision of a standard curriculum. Senior Photography, Mechanical Engineering ahas exceptional costs that cannot be expected to be covered by school funding.
All expenses for any course are clearly outlined in this booklet and students and parents should be aware of these before electing to take the course