L1 Spatial & Product Design (L1SPD)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr S. Anderson.

Students will learn how to execute a range of visual communication techniques and then apply them to communicate their own design ideas within the contexts of Product and Spatial Design. Research will support and inform their design ideas including a study on the works of an influential Designer

Course Overview

Term 1
Introduction to creative/ divergent thinking and visual communication techniques while exploring and researching the works of a well known designer.
Ideation and exploration of an Aesthetic which will then be contextualized into initial design ideas for a design brief.
Learning skills and techniques for freehand sketching, visual communication and layout.

Term 2
Through divergent & convergent thinking and the application of research the student will develop their design through to a final solution and present that through a colour rendered sketch.

Term 3
Students will be taught 2-D and 3-D formal drawing skills and conventions using traditional drawing equipment with the potential of the introduction of CAD and digital forms of drawing.
The above skills will be used to communication the final of their project.

Term 4
Completion and refinement of the years work and evidence ready for the curation of you folio ready for assessment.

Recommended Prior Learning

DVC or Art at Year 10 or at the Head of Faculties discretion.


A study of Spatial & Product Design can lead to a career of design in the areas of Architecture, Industrial Design and Manufacture, Spatial Design, Product Design and Manufacture, Set design, Costume design and so forth. Many of the skills learnt are also transferable like Visual Communication, Critical Thinking, Divergent Thinking and Problem Solving.


The Standards offered are correct at time of writing

Course content may change by the start of the year